Małgorzata Sztejter • 39 min

4: “Mentors are Boomers,” or once upon a time

Are mentors really just boomers? Doesn't mentoring also apply to people of different generations? And also about external mentors and mentoring between people who know each other.

In today's episode we will touch on a topic full of stereotypes and common prejudices — are mentors really just boomers?

It is often thought that mentoring is reserved for the older generation, but is it true? Can't young people be mentors? Doesn't mentoring also apply to people of different generations?

We will also address the issue of external mentors and mentoring between people who know each other. We looked at how stereotypes affect our perception of mentoring and how we can break them.

We invited Małgorzata Sztejter, an accredited executive & team coach, mentor and mentor coach with more than 20 years of management experience in international professional consulting companies, to talk about this topic.

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