Case study

Marta Tymoszewicz-Bednarz Brand

Analysis and strategy and prioritization of actions, to improve communication, coherence, transparency and actions.

Project author: Justyna Kaźmierczak | Mentor: Jadwiga Krym

The following case study is a summary of the activities, conclusions and recommendations developed within the framework of the Design Mentorship program under the supervision of mentor Jadwiga Krym. The theme of the project is the brand Marta Tymoszewicz- Bednarz - Marta Tymoszewicz Brand, together with its branches - Marta Tymoszewicz Design and Mr.M & Mrs.M.

The main objective of the project was to improve the strategy of the company and its media with a special focus on the development of the fashion brand. The full report shows the entire design process, starting with the resaerch and ending with the proposal of design solutions and potential further development directions.


Marta Tymoszewicz-Bednarz has been training with clients in a holistic and functional way for 16 years with an emphasis on well-being and a long life in health. Flagship workouts are BODYART (for trainers) and pilates on a mat and machines. In the Atelier there is also space for Design — a collection of clothes and for coaching sessions with women.

The diagram illustrates the structure of the brand, whose main core and link is above all Marta, together with the place where she operates on a daily basis - the atelier. In addition, Marta expands her areas of activity to online media (shop) and cyclical trips and trainings, especially in the field of BodyArt.

Fragment raportu marki z rozpisaną jej strukturą


The main methodology adopted in the project is double diamonds, structuring the activities carried out. It is divided into 2 main parts- research and design, which are connected by defining the basic design problem and ending with a strategic-design proposal.

Fragment raportu marki z przedstawieniem double-diamonds


The first stage of the project was to get to know the 3 main perspectives (voices): business, customer and market. The voice of the business is a reflection of the brand. During the first meeting and thanks to the conversation with Marta, it was possible to determine her basic goals, motivations, criteria for success and failure.

The second perspective from which the brand is viewed is the voice of the customer. For this purpose, interviews and observations were carried out, both of Marta's current clients and of people who did not know the brand before.

The third and final perspective is the voice of the market. For this purpose, a trend analysis was carried out. Then, contexts based around health and wellness and fashion issues were mapped, and finally a competitive analysis in the form of a SWOT was carried out.

One of the areas we wanted to focus on was social media. Since the store operates mainly online, attention has also been paid to its website. For this, audits of both were carried out, according to the following key, which allowed to diagnose the main technical and substantive problems and helped to develop a further strategy.

Fragment raportu marki z analizą trendów
Fragment raportu marki z personą i SWOT

Definition of the problem

The HMW tool “How might we...” was used to determine the main design problem. This is the form of a question answering the user's need to achieve a certain effect. The questions are based on the previous analysis and the created persona.

Fragment raportu marki z określeniem problemu
Fragment raportu marki z określeniem problemu

Tests, revaluation and summary

During the analysis of the project, an interview and observation was carried out with a user who had not previously had contact with the brand. Thanks to this, many issues related to the functioning and design of media have been identified and corrected. Then another interview was conducted based on the first iteration of the project.

Due to time and design constraints, some issues are presented only in the form of open recommendations. The MoSCoW model prioritizes issues that are established and partially developed for the needs of the project. It is also the development and refinement of elements in the user path and the developed strategy, starting with the most important issues.

The project also proposed a redesign of Marta's website and individual social networks, in order to facilitate use and navigation, unify communication in social media, and emphasize the values of individual branches of the brand.

Link to the full case study: