Case study

Design of sustainable fashion brand KRY_

From the dream of entering the world of unique fashion to a realistic business plan in the spirit of sustainable fashion. Sustainability is an opportunity that we have been able to seize.

Project authors: Przemysław Jankowski, Sylwia Załęska | Mentor: Justyna Turek

The following case study describes the struggles of designers Sylwia Załęska and Przemysław Jankowski, whose task was to design a sustainable fashion brand for an artist with no experience in the fashion business. The work of the team was supervised and supported by Justyna Turek, ChangePilots expert in the area of Sustainable Design and CEO of the interdisciplinary HOLIS summer school.


Patrycja Kryszczuk-Kutia is a visual artist and tattoo artist who, together with her partner Alexei Kutia, runs a tattoo salon KRY_studio and sells author's paintings. The artist wanted to expand the brand's activities to include original clothes of her own production, but she lacked a vision of how to go about it. She enlisted the help of the Design Mentorship team, who matched her design team, which is us. So our task was to design a sustainable fashion brand. We were supposed to help transform an unformed idea into a real business vision, as well as create a handbook allowing you to take your first steps in the highly competitive fashion market.

Before starting work, we examined the needs, expectations and possibilities of KRY_ Studio. Joint conversations with customers and research surveys made it possible to clarify a common view of what a new fashion brand should look like. Together with Patricia and Alexei, we have established a coherent version of initially divergent assumptions. The next step was to verify the assumptions by examining the current situation of the fashion market and the expectations of potential buyers of original fashion and sustainable fashion.

Zdjęcie Mentees i Mentorki

Market Analysis

We analyzed the competition in the fashion market, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors and to identify gaps in their offerings.

This helped us to find a market space for KRY_'s business, which sold both original fashion with character and clothing created in a sustainable way.

Zdjęcie z warsztatów w studiu KRY_

User survey

IN survey potential users were mainly young people, for whom both environmental issues and original clothing were important. The study needed to be deepened, but it helped us to select a segment of consumers for whom original clothing is primarily one that others do not own or cannot have. Regarding the environmental friendliness of clothing, the respondents indicated above all the quality of clothes, which should last for years, and the transparency of brands and their credibility.

To gain insight into the expectations of people who do not believe in the greenwashing darkness and expect fashion brands to truly care about the environment, we conducted Interview with an extreme user, who is an activist of the Fashion Revolution collective. The conversation showed us that it is not only the approach to environmental issues and implemented solutions that matter, but also the intention with which the solutions are implemented. The business collaborations undertaken by the brand are also important, and the way the service is provided and the approach to the user are more important than the product itself.

“Circular packaging should be the standard, I didn't even think about it because I took it for granted.”
“Pre-orders mean going back to the roots. In the past, ordering clothes and creating them was a bilateral process. Things were tailor-made and only made when someone needed it.”

We discussed the results of the research with KRY_ Studio during online meetings and engaging live workshops, where we had the opportunity to get to know each other better, brainstorm and establish concretions in the area of mutual expectations and project work.

The effect of work

We presented Patricia with a Handbook, which included the results of our findings with clients, research findings, recommendations for the new brand and tools such as Customer Journey of the fashion brand user, Service Blueprint showing the operation of the brand “from the back door” and proposals for sustainable Supply Chains. In the Handbook we have also included an introduction to the assumptions of Circular Economy and warnings resulting from a conversation with an extreme user.

Slajd z prezentacji zespołu KRY_
Slajd z prezentacji zespołu KRY_

Sample recommendations

Minimize production waste: reduce the amount of waste generated during production. You can also look for ways to use leftover fabrics to reduce waste.

Trust: Remember that you will not be able to fight for the attention of new people if you lose the fight for trust with those who take advantage of your offer. Therefore, make sure that your brand is reliable and transparent in its activities, and users feel cared for at every stage of their Customer Journey.

Encourage you to take care of your clothes: Educate your customers to take care of their clothing to extend its life and avoid unnecessary waste. You can also look for ways to recycle clothes to minimize waste.

ANDInvest in green hosting: When choosing a hosting company, pay attention to the one that uses renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind. List of green web hosts in the world.


A customer got a complete guide on how to become a sustainable brand

Designing sustainable products/services is a demanding process. It is a process that requires designers to pay attention to detail as well as a broad- systemic view. This is how Przemysław and Sylwia approached this project. Their commitment and passion resulted in the client getting a complete guide with strategic tips on how to become a sustainable brand.

Photo of Mentor Justyna Turek

Justyna Turek

Mentor of Przemek and Sylwia

Incredibly inspiring and motivating experience

It was an incredibly inspiring and motivating experience when an outside design group entered the world of our brand with great commitment. Designers Przemek and Paulina and their mentor Justyna got to know us, broke it down into the first factors and helped shape our fragmented visions into a coherent and real plan of action.

Photo by client Patrycja Kryszczuk

Patrycja Kryszczuk-Kutia

Artist, DM client


Patricia and Alexey appreciated the results of several months of work. They got acquainted with the contents of the Handbook and enthusiastically began their efforts to put the brand on its feet and get the necessary support from institutions promoting sustainable business. The handbook showed that creating a sustainable fashion brand is not easy, but implementing the principles of sustainable business and circular economy pays off. It benefits not only the environment, with its resources, but also consumers and producers.