The Evolving Role of Leadership in Business
We invite you to a series of podcasts in which we will explore how contemporary experiences, personalities and values shape the leaders of the future.
We will learn how to develop both traditional management skills and the growing role of soft competencies such as emotional intelligence and empathic communication.
Founder of Design Mentorship and DM Biznes
Kasia Szczesna
It combines 12 years of design experience with a passion for technology, an interest in behavioral economics and collaboration with the business sector.
It builds products and services that focus on the experience of customers and employees, paying particular attention to their behaviors and ethics in the context of AI. I'm creating the Ethical AI & Human Behavior framework to help companies implement #trustworthyai.
Customer Experience Consultant and Coach
Anna Piosik
Trainer, consultant and workshop facilitator and certified coach. It combines many years of business experience with the development of leaders and teams.
It supports leaders in the area of soft competences and building a modern leadership role. He collaborates in business projects related to the creation of good customer experiences and CX innovation.
Wednesday, 07/08/2024
Episode 1: “The importance of leadership in modern business”
We talk about what leaders modern organizations need and what challenges leaders face. We will also consider how organizations can support their development.
Wednesday, 21/08/2024
Episode 2: “The changing landscape of leadership”Kompetencje nowoczesnego lidera"
We talk about the key competencies of the leader of the future. We will consider what to invest in and what to develop in order to effectively lead teams.
We will discuss both traditional management skills and the growing role of soft competencies such as emotional intelligence and empathic communication.
Wednesday, 11/09/2024
Episode 3: “Essential leadership competencies”
In this episode we look at how life and work experiences shape leaders, influencing their values, approach to challenges and relationships with the team.
We discuss the role of personality and natural talents in effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of self-knowledge and developing one's strengths.
Wednesday, 25/09/2024
Episode 4: “The impact of leadership on teams and organizations”
An episode that was originally supposed to be recorded in the form of a Q&A, but we managed to invite a special guest- Aga Szystek.
We talk about the continuous development of a leader, dealing with impostor syndrome, and the importance of delegating and experimenting in a changing reality.
Ask us a question
Do you have a question about leadership? Fill out the form and we will try to cover the topic in the podcast.