Case study

Fizjo-spot - education of women in the field of urophysiotherapy

In today's dynamic world, education is the key to growth and breaking down all barriers. However, not all women have equal opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills that can improve their quality of life. How to educate women in urophysiotherapy? How to encourage them to use the services of a urophysiotherapist?

Authors of the project: Joanna Jaworska and Patrycja Jasielska | Mentor: Justyna Grycz

Nowadays, education and health awareness play a key role in improving the quality of life. However, many women continue to face problems of the genitourinary system, often due to the lack of access to appropriate knowledge and professional help. We created the project in cooperation with the esteemed urophysiotherapist Aleksandra Polanowska-Lenart, MSc, whose passion and commitment to women's education have helped many patients. It is a project that emphasizes that education and professional care together can create the key to women's health.

The main objective of the project was to improve the strategy of the company and its media with a special focus on the development of the fashion brand. The full report shows the entire design process, starting with the resaerch and ending with the proposal of design solutions and potential further development directions.


“Fizjo-Spot” is a urophysiotherapy practice run by Aleksandra Polanowska-Lenart, MSc with extensive experience both in Poland and abroad. The project aimed to educate women at every stage of life, about the benefits of urogynecological physiotherapy. The main challenge of the project was to raise awareness and dispel patients' concerns about this form of therapy.

The main target groups are:
- young women before pregnancy
- women planning pregnancy or after childbirth
- women after 50 years of age.

As part of the project, studies were carried out, including interviews with patients and surveys among women who had never used the services of a urophysiotherapist. Workshops with the client helped to collect feedback, summarize each stage of the project and adapt the solution to the needs of women. This was crucial for understanding the context and the successful implementation of the “Fizjo-Spot” project.

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The aim of the project was to understand why women in Poland do not sufficiently use the services of urophysiotherapists, despite their increasing availability. Research and analysis were a key element of the project, allowing us to understand the needs of patients and develop effective educational strategies. One of the main problems faced by the “Fizjo-Spot” office was the fear of women before going to a specialist and the lack of awareness of how urogynecological therapy can help them.

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Research and analysis carried out during the project:

1. In-depth interviews with women using the services of urophysiotherapists: Five patients who used urogynecological therapy were interviewed. The research objectives included the diagnosis of patients' motivations and ailments and the reconstruction of the client's path in the therapeutic process. What did we want to know?
a. Where do women get their knowledge on peri-medical topics?
b. What was/is their knowledge of peri-medical topics.
c. What were the needs and pains in the different phases of the service? (before, during, after).
d. What are the best places/ways to educate women in urogynecology?

2. Surveys collecting information from women who have never used the services of urophysiotherapists.
The aim was to find out the reasons and concerns associated with the use of this type of therapy. What prevents women from going to the urophysiotherapist's office?

3. Competitive Analysis: An analysis of the competition in the field of urogynecological physiotherapy was carried out in order to understand what solutions other offices and specialists offer. This allowed us to know the competitive ways to reach women and convince them of the need for urogynecology.

All collected materials from interviews, surveys and competitive analysis formed the basis for further work on the project. Based on them, educational strategies and solutions were developed that aimed at transmitting knowledge about urogynecological therapy and encouraging women to use these services. Research has played a key role in developing educational strategies that were personalized and tailored to the needs of different target groups.

Conclusions of the research

Main conclusions and insights from IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS:

  • Despite the increasing access to knowledge and tools of online education, information about this type of treatment is not yet widespread
  • The most powerful is the command network and So-called word of mouth marketing. Patients of urogynecological physiotherapists after visits often become ambassadors of these services. They educate their environment and encourage women close to them to take care of their health in this way.
  • During the interviews, a vision/insight emerges that the moment of becoming a mother or physical preparation for this role, Expands medical research. Most often, women go to physiotherapists.
  • Women pay attention during the visit especially to: personality, sense of trust and security what a specialist gives them
  • Patients are primarily interested in: education, experience and training urophysiotherapists
  • The interviewees admitted that were afraid of the course of the visit, which was mainly due to a lack of knowledge of how best to prepare for the study
  • They tried to expand their knowledge by looking for guides on how to prepare for a urogynecological visit
  • The interviewees made it clear that what bothers them the most about the content published online too much promotion of own products/services, as well as showing Too much private content
  • Women have consistently stated that they stop following a person at the moment when the content, which she publishes cease to be relevant to her.

Summary of the information gathered from the SURVEYS:

  • Most of those surveyed are young women from cities who have never given birth.
  • They are open to using the services of a urophysiotherapist.
  • When looking for a medical specialist, they turn to family/friends.
  • When choosing a specialist, the following are important for them:
    a. Referral by family/friends
    b. Reviews on the Internet
  • They get their knowledge of peri-medical topics mainly from the Internet and from family/friends
  • The main ones when choosing a specialist are:
    a. Referral by family/friends
    b. Reviews on the Internet
    c. Experience of a specialist


Online consultation as a preliminary diagnosis for women who are not sure whether they need such a service.

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